1. P.A.M. Dirac, The Lagrangian in quantum mechanics. Phys. Zeit. d. Sowjetunion, 3, 64 (1933). Reprinted in J. Schwinger (Ed.) Quantum Electrodynamics, Dover, New York (1958), P. A. M. Dirac, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, §32, Oxford, (1967)
2. R.P. Feynman, Space-time approach to non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 327 (1948). Reprinted in J. Schwinger (Ed.) Quantum Electrodynamics, Dover, New York (1958)
3. Van-Vleck, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.14, 178 (1928)
4. C. Morette, On the definition and approximation of Feynman’s path integrals. Phys. Rev. 81, 848 (1951)
5. W. Pauli, Selected Topics in Field Quantization, chapter 7. Pauli Lectures on Physics, vol. 6 (Dover, New York, 1973)