Legal Support of Aerospace Environmental Monitoring


Savchuk OlenaORCID


Springer International Publishing

Reference29 articles.

1. On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of September 14, 2020 “On the National Security Strategy of Ukraine”: Decree of the President of Ukraine of September 14, 2020 № 392/2020. Official Gazette of Ukraine dated 25.09.2020, № 75, Art. 2377 [in Ukrainian]

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3. On approval of the Regulations on the state system of environmental monitoring: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 30, 1998 № 391. Official Gazette of Ukraine official publication of April 16, 1998, № 13, art. 91 [in Ukrainian]

4. Petlyuk, Y.S.: Legal basis for environmental monitoring. Bull. Ministry Justice Ukraine 12, 126–121 (2013) [in Ukrainian]

5. On approval of the State target ecological program for environmental monitoring: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 5, 2007 № 1376. Official Gazette of Ukraine official publication of 17.12.2007, № 93, Art. 3403 [in Ukrainian]







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