1. A Sunday in Kigali. 2006. Dir. Robert Favreau. Equinoxe Productions.
2. Bacon, Francis. 2000. The Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall. Ed. Michael Kiernan. Oxford: Clarendon.
3. Black Earth Rising. 2018–2019. Drama Republic / BBC Studios / Eight Rooks Production.
4. Dryden, John and William Davenant. 1970. “The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island.” Plays: The Tempest. Tyrannick Love. An Evening’s Love. The Works of John Dryden. Vol. 10. Berkeley: U of California P. 1–104.
5. Geneva Bible, The Annotated New Testament. 1989. Ed. Gerald T. Sheppard. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press.