1. English for the navy. https://more-angl.ru/morskoe-sudno/14-tipov-sudov-s-sistemoj-dinamicheskogo-pozitsionirovaniya
2. Piloting vessels fitted with azimuthing control devices (ACD’s). United Kingdom Maritime Pilot’s Association (UKMPA Transport House London). https://www.impahq.org/admin/resources/article1367420271.pdf
3. Guidelines for vessels and units with dynamic positioning (DP) systems. IMO. MSC.1/Circ. 1580 (2017)
4. Review of the use of the fan beam laser system for dynamic positioning. The International Marine Contractors Association. IMCA Marine Division (2017)
5. The safe operation of dynamically positioned offshore supply vessels. The International Marine Contractors Association. IMCA Marine Division (2018)