1. Allan M, Baker G, Bodeen C, Born B, Brusoe D, Coggins S, Fortney D, Grindrod D, Harker B, Herbach G (1997). Fertile ground: planning for the Madison/Dane County food system. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Urban and Regional Planning [Advisors: Jerome L Kaufman and Kameshwari Pothukuchi]
2. Ashman L, De La Vega J, Dohan M, Fisher A, Hippler R, Romain B (1993) Seeds of change: strategies for food security for the inner city, Los Angeles, University of California Los Angeles, UCLA Urban Planning Department [Advisors: Robert Gottlieb and Peter Sinsheimer]
3. Bassarab K, Santo R, Palmer A (2018) Food policy council report 2018. Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, Baltimore
4. Blakey RC, Cole EH, Haygood K, Hebert SL, Wilson RL (1977) Food distribution and consumption in Knoxville: exploring food-related local planning issues. Knoxville: Graduate School of Planning, University of Tennessee [Advisor: Professor Robert Wilson]
5. City of Madison Mayor’s Office (n.d.). Madison Food Policy Council [Online]. Madison. Available: https://www.cityofmadison.com/mayor/programs/food/madison-food-policy-council. Accessed 21 Feb 2022