1. Ammons, Elizabeth. “Material Culture, Empire, and Jewett’s Country of the Pointed Firs.” New Essays on The Country of the Pointed Firs. Howard, pp. 81–100.
2. Austin, William. “Peter Rugg, the Missing Man.” New England Galaxy, 10 Sept. 1824; 1 Sept. 1826, 19 Jan. 1827.
3. Balogh, Brian. A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America. Cambridge UP, 2012.
4. Brantlinger, Patrick. The Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830–1914. Cornell UP, 1988.
5. Cameron, Sharon. Choosing Not Choosing: Dickinson’s Fascicles. U of Chicago P, 1992.