1. Arnheim, Rudolf, Entropy and Art: An Essay on Disorder and Order, (University of California Press: Berkeley, 1971)
2. Bair, Deidre, Samuel Beckett: A Biography, (Simon & Schuster: New York, 1978)
3. Barth, John, ‘A Few Words About Minimalism,’ in The New York Times, (December 28, 1986), http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/06/21/specials/barth-minimalism.html
4. Beckett, Samuel, ‘Dante…Bruno.Vico..Joyce,’ in Disjecta, ed. by Ruby Cohn, (Calder: London, 1983)
5. ———, ‘Recent Irish Poetry,’ in Disjecta, ed. by Ruby Cohn, (Calder: London, 1983)