1. Ören TI (2011a) The many facets of simulation through a collection of about 100 definitions. SCS M&S Magazine, 2:2 (April), pp. 82–92. http://scs.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2011-04-Issue06-6.pdf. Accessed: 2019–01–24
2. Ören TI (2011b) A critical review of definitions and about 400 types of modelling and simulation. SCS M&S Mag 2:3 (July):142–151. http://scs.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2011-04-Issue06-6.pdf. Accessed: 2019–01–24
3. Ören T, Mittal S, Durak U (Invited Chapter) Modeling and simulation: the essence and increasing importance. In: Niazi MA (ed) Modeling and simulation of complex communication networks, the IET book series on big data. (Appendix A: A list of over 750 types of simulation, Appendix B: A list of 900 types of models, and Appendix C: A list of 120 types of input)
4. Appendix A1—Dictionaries of modeling and simulation, cybernetics, and systems (compiled by Tuncer Ören)
5. Durak U, Őren T, Tolk A (2017) An index to the body of knowledge of simulation systems engineering. In: Tolk A, Őren T (eds) The profession of modeling and simulation: discipline, ethics, education, vocation, societies, and economics. Wiley.