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2. Italo Calvino, A Sign in Space, in Cosmicomix. Copyright © 1965 by Giulio Einaudi Editore, S.p.A. English translation copyright © 1968 by Harcourt Brace & Company and Jonathan Cape Limited.
3. L. H. Kauffman , Sign and space, Religious Experience and Scientific Paradigms. Proceedings of the 1982 IASWR Conference, Stony Brook (New York), Institute of Advanced Study of World Religions, 1985, pp. 118–164.
4. L. H. Kauffman. Self-reference and recursive forms. J. Social and Biological Structures (1987), 53-72.
5. L. H. Kauffman ,Knot logic, Knots and Applications (L. Kauffman, editor), World Scientific Pub., 1994, pp. 1–110.