1. ISO: Water Quality—Sampling—Part 13: Guidance on Sampling of Sludges. 5667-13:2011 (2011)
2. ISO: Water Quality—Sampling—Part 15: Guidance on Preservation and Handling of Sludge and Sediment Samples. 5667-15:2009 (2009)
3. AFNOR: Sludge, Treated Biowaste and Soil—Guidance for Sample Pretreatment. NF EN 16179 (2012)
4. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.: Wastewater engineering. In: Treatment and Reuse, 4th edn. McGrawHill, New York (2003)
5. AFNOR: Characterization of Sludges—Determination of Dry Residue and Water Content. FR EN 12880:2000 (2000)