1. Jongos, Calangos and Folias. Black Music, Memory and Poetry/Jongos, Calangos e Folias. Música Negra, memória e poesia. Directed by Hebe Mattos & Martha Abreu, 45 mins., Portuguese; English & Portuguese subtitles. LABHOI/NUPEHC (UFF), 2007. Available online: http://www.labhoi.uff.br/passadospresentes/en/filmes_jongos.phpFor direct access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6npRXQiQGbc&list=PL1-1ZfnSk3LMTzI6-GfTxvTytwykYbgBL&index=6
2. Verses and Cudgels. Stick Playing in the Afro-Brazilian Culture of the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)/Versos e cacetes. O jogo do pau na cultura afro-fluminense. Directed by Matthias Röhrig Assunção & Hebe Mattos, 37 min., Portuguese; English & Portuguese subtitles, LABHOI (UFF)/Essex University, 2009. Available Online: https://youtu.be/JrWa-Cnxn_Y
3. Interviews were conducted in various locations in Rio de Janeiro state and are filed at the Acervo UFF Petrobrás Cultural, LABHOI.
4. Azedias, João Batista. Interview by author. São José da Serra, 1 April 2007.
5. Fernandes, Jorge and Seabra, Manoel. Interview by author, in São José, 1 April 2007.