Landslide Risk Assessment in the Tropical Zone of Vietnam as a Contribution to the Mitigation of Natural Disaster Vulnerability


Van Tien Dinh,Thanh Nguyen Kim,Quang Lam Huu,Ha Do Ngoc,Sassa Kyoji,Miyagi Toyohiko,Abe Shinro


AbstractLandslide risk assessment is considered an important objective in minimizing damage caused by this extreme event. The biggest challenge of assessing landslide risk is predicting the likelihood of a catastrophic event. To evaluate this possibility, studies have focused on building integrated maps of assessment, using predictive models such as testings, scale models, numerical models, and actual field observations. This article summarizes the research achievements and applications achieved in the past ten years of the Institute of Transport Science and Technology in the landslide risk assessment in Vietnam.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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