Attitudes Towards Online Social Interactions and Technology in the Offering of Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Górska Gabriela,Maciantowicz Oliwia,Pawlak Malgorzata,Wojnarowska Olga


AbstractAs the COVID-19 pandemic confined millions across the globe to their homes, technology proved an indispensable tool that allowed humanity to sustain many aspects of everyday life, including social behaviours. In compliance with quarantine restrictions, communities were unable to support each other in the usual manner; simultaneously, the demand for such support grew, owing to the difficult circumstances. This study (N = 196) explores whether technology enabled or hindered this specific type of social interaction – helping others. We discovered that General Online Social Interaction Propensity correlated positively with helping – although it demonstrated stronger correlations with online support. The Technology Adoption Propensity IndexOptimismandProficiencysubscales failed to correlate significantly with helping and onlyVulnerabilitysubscale showed significant correlation. In conclusion, both GOSIP and TAPVulnerabilityare valid predictors of proneness to offer help online. We suggest considering various personality predispositions may help to maximize the effectiveness of online helping.


Springer International Publishing

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