1. Bacon, F. (1605b/1974): Advancement of Learning. Edited by A Johnston. Oxford; Oxford University Press.
2. Descartes, R. (1637/1912): A Discourse on Method. Everyman’s Library, ed. by A. D. Lindsay. London; J. Dent and Sons, and New York; E. P. Dutton and Co.
3. Helmholtz, H. (1847/1935): ‘The Conservation of Energy’ translated by John Tyndall, in W. F. Magie ed. A Source Book of Physics. New York and London; McGraw-Hill, 212–219.
4. Iltis, C. (1970): ‘D’Alembert and the Vis Viva Controversy’, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 1: 115–124.
5. Kepler, J. (1609/1992): Astronomia Nova, translated by W. H. Donahue. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.