1. DXWH Dong-Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue 東西文化及其哲學 [Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies; 1921], LSMQJ, 1989, vol. 1: 319–547.
2. JYJY Jiuyuan jueyi lun [Treatise on Finding the Foundation and Resolving the Doubt, 1916], LSMQJ, 1989, vol. 1: 3–22.
3. LSMQJ Liang Shuming quanji 梁漱溟全集 [Complete Works of Liang Shuming, vols. I to VIII], Jinan: Shandong People Press, 1989–1993.
4. RFYT RuFo yitong lun 儒佛異同論 [Treatise on Differences and Similarities], LSMQJ, 1993, vol. 7: 152–169.
5. RXYRS Renxin yu rensheng 人心與人生 [Human Spirit and Human Life], LSMQJ, 1990, vol. 3: 523–760.