1. DXWH Dong-Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue 東西文化及其哲學 [Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies; 1921]. LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 1: 319–547.
2. JSTL Jingshen taolian yaozhi 精神陶煉要旨 [“Essence of Spiritual Cultivation”; 1934]. LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 5: 492–519.
3. JTWM Jintian women yingdang ruhe pingjia kongzi 今天我們應當如何評價孔子 [“How Should We Evaluate Confucius Today”; 1974]. LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 7: 270–315.
4. LNL Liang nian lai wo youle naxie gaibian 兩年來我有了哪些改變 [“What Changes I Have Made in the Past Two Years”; 1951]. LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 6: 873–890.
5. RLCZL Renlei chuangzaoli de da fahui da biaoxian 人類創造力的大發揮大表現 [The Great Expression and Great Manifestation of Human Creativity; 1961]. LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 3: 415–521.