1. DXWH Dongxi wenhua ji qi zhexue 東西文化及其哲學 (Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies; 1922), LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 1: 319–547. (A comparative analysis of Chinese, Western, and Indian philosophies and cultures.)
2. JGZG Jinggao Zhongguo gongchantang 敬告中國共產黨 (“My advice to the CCP”; 1949). LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 6: 819–823.
3. LSMQJ Liang Shuming quanji 梁漱溟全集 (Complete Works of Liang Shuming, vols. I to VIII). Jinan: Shandong People Press, 1989–1993.
4. XCJSL Xiangcun jianshe lilun 鄉村建設理論 (Theory of Rural Reconstruction; 1937). LSMQJ, 2005, vol. 2: 141–586. (Discussion on how to reshape rural communities.)
5. ZGMZ 1971. Zhongguo minzu zijiu yundong zhi zuihou juewu 中國民族自救運動之最後覺悟 (The Final Awakening of the Chinese People’s Self-Salvation Movement; 1932), 3rd ed. Shanghai. Reprint, Taibei. (Discussion on how the Chinese should save their nation and culture).