1. Arhiv Academii Pedagogicheskih Nauk.
2. Articles on children’s reading and children’s literature 1920–1923. Arhiv Academii Nauk, fond 16, op. 1, ed. hr. 19.
3. Gosudarstvenny Arhiv Rosiyskoy Federacii.
4. Komisii po Doshkolnomu Obrasovaniyu [Preschool Education Commissions]. Pervy opis predpolozhennyh tezisov [The First Description of the Alleged Theses]. Arhive Academii Pedagogicheskih Nauk, fond N 1, op. 1, ed hr., 203, 2–3.
5. Protokol No. 36, Meetings of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR from 14 August 1925. Gosudarstvenny Arhiv Rosiyskoy Federacii, fond 259, op. 9, d. 13, 1. 4.