AbstractThis chapter discusses the assumptions, implementation and deliverables of an action research project in a selected Polish class of integrated form. The main objective of the project was to trigger changes in the learning–teaching process based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach and thus promote inclusive education. The action research lasted one school semester. The empirical data, mainly qualitative, triangulating various sources of information and synthesising perspectives, were used to identify specific topics and threads identified in the gathered inputs, to present it in an orchestrated manner and to interpret it. It has been indicated that UDL approach implementation has a positive impact on the course of the teaching–learning process and optimises it to enhance the activity, commitment, self-reliance and responsibility of students and develops their cooperation, which breeds inclusion in education. Meanwhile, it stimulates teachers to change their mindset with a view to the essence of success in education and supports their daily practice.
Springer International Publishing
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