1. Barsbai, T., Lukas, D., & Pondorfer, A. (2021). Local convergence of behavior across species. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb7481
2. de Pizan, C. (1406). (Epistle of the Goddess [the proper noun Othéa is assumed to mean the poetic Greek formula Ὦ θεά (O Thea) = oh Goddess]) Épître d’othéa. Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris), Département des Manuscrits, Division occidentale, Côte: Français 606.
3. Edinger, E. (1985). Anatomy of the psyche. Alchemical symbolism in psychotherapy. Chicago: Open Court.
4. Gauss, C. F., & H. Olbers (1900). (Letters) Briefwechsel. Ed. C. Schilling. Vol. I, Berlin. Letter from Gauss to Olbers from September 3, 1805, pp. 267–270.
5. Goethe, J. W. von (1908). Faust II (A. Latham, Trans.). (Original written in 1831 and published 1888.)