1. Schobeiri, M. T., Turbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance, Second and Enhanced Edition, 725 pages with 433 Figures, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-24675-3, library of congress 2012935425 published 2012
2. Schobeiri, M. T., J. Gilarranz, and E. Johansen, ”Final Report on: Efficiency, Performance, and Interstage Flow Field Measurement of Siemens-Westinghouse HP-Turbine Blade Series 9600 and 5600,” September, 1999.
3. Schobeiri, M. T. and K. Lu, 2013, ”Endwall Contouring Using Continuous Diffusion, a New Method and Its Application to a Three-Stage High Pressure Turbine,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Turbomachinery, also ASME GT GT2012-69069.
4. Brennan G., N. W. Harvey, M. G. Rose, N. Fomison and M. D. Taylor, 2001, ”Improving The Efficiency of The Trent 500 HP Turbine Using Non-Axisymmetric End Walls: Part 1 Turbine Design,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001, 2001-GT-0444.
5. Harvey, N. W., M. G. Rose, G. Brennan and D. A. Newman, 2002, ”Improving Turbine Efficiency Using Non-Axisymmetric End Walls: Validation in The Multi-Row Environment and with Low Aspect Ratio Blading,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2002, GT-2002- 30337.