Lora Millán Julio Salvador
Springer Nature Switzerland
Reference22 articles.
1. J.S. Lora-Millan, J.C. Moreno, E. Rocon, Coordination between partial robotic exoskeletons and human gait: a comprehensive review on control strategies. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 10(842294), 1–20 (2022)
2. J.S. Lora-Millan, J.C. Moreno, E. Rocon, Estrategias para la asistencia a la marcha de sujetos con hemiparesia a través de una órtesis activa de rodilla, in XLII JORNADAS DE AUTOMÁTICA : LIBRO DE ACTAS (Servizo de Publicacións da UDC, 2021), pp. 91–98
3. J.S. Lora-Millan, F.J. Sanchez-Cuesta, J.P. Romero, J.C. Moreno, E. Rocon, A unilateral robotic knee exoskeleton to assess the role of natural gait assistance in hemiparetic patients. J. NeuroEng. Rehabil. 19(1), 109 (2022)
4. J.S. Lora-Millan, F.J. Sanchez-Cuesta, J.P. Romero, J.C. Moreno, E. Rocon, Robotic exoskeleton embodiment in post-stroke hemiparetic patients: an experimental study about the integration of the assistance provided by the REFLEX knee exoskeleton. Sci. Rep. 13(1), 22908 (2023)
5. M. Pazzaglia, M. Molinari, The embodiment of assistive devices-from wheelchair to exoskeleton. Phys. Life Rev. 16, 163–175 (2016)