The History of Biological Research in the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands


Ceríaco Luis M. P.,Santos Bruna S.,Viegas Sofia B.,Paiva Jorge,Figueiredo Estrela


AbstractThe oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea (Príncipe, São Tomé, and Annobón) have been the focus of biological research for over two hundred years. Following small surveys that generated modest collections in the eighteenth and early mid-nineteenth century, European institutions commissioned several exploratory missions to the region that resulted in the first major catalogues of its biodiversity. The following century brought a new wave of research investment, mostly driven by the colonial interests. After the independence of both Equatorial Guinea and São Tomé and Príncipe, novel research trends focusing on conservation aspects of biodiversity research emerged. Here we present a chronological review of the zoological and botanical expeditions to the region, commenting on their major results, collectors, and the naturalists who studied them.


Springer International Publishing

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