1. Bob-Waksberg, R. (Writer), Aron. E (Writer), Young, J. (Writer), & Holliingsworth, M. (Director). (2016). Fish out of water.” [Television series episode]. In BoJack Horseman. Netflix.
2. Bob-Waksberg, R. (Writer), Calo, J. (Writer), & Roberts, M. (Director). (2015). Chickens. [Television series episode]. In BoJack Horseman. Netflix.
3. Bob-Waksberg, R. (Writer), & Winfrey, A. (Director). (2016). Brand new couch. [Television series episode]. In BoJack Horseman. Netflix.
4. Chater, A. (2015). From real housewives to the Brady bunch: BoJack Horseman finds its place. Kino: The Western Undergraduate Journal of Film Studies, 6(1), 1–9.
5. Falvey, E. (2020). Situating Netflix’s original adult animation: Observing taste cultures and the legacies of ‘quality’ television through BoJack Horseman and Big Mouth. Animation, 15(2), 116–129.