1. Adorno, Th. W. 2006. Current of Music. Elements of a Radio Theory. Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp.
2. Adorno, Th. W. 1940. Husserl and the Problem of Idealism. In The Journal of Philosophy 37/1, pp. 5–18.
3. Adorno, Th. W. 1984. The Essay as Form. English translation by B. Hullot-Kentor and F. Will. In New German Critique 32, pp. 151–171.
4. Adorno, Th. W. 2003a. Gesammelte Schriften vol. 1–20, Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp (cited as GS 1-20).
5. Adorno, Th. W. 2003b. Negative Dialektik. Gesammelte Schriften vol. 6. Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp (cited as GS 6). English translation by E.B. Ashton. 2004. Negative Dialectics. London & New York: Routledge (cited as EN).