1. Tamarin Version 1.9.0, Git Revision: 57e619fef32033293e4a83c0be67cc6e296bf166, branch: develop
2. Apple Inc.: Tap to Pay on iPhone. https://developer.apple.com/tap-to-pay/
3. Basin, D., Cremers, C., Jannik, D., Sasse, R.: Modeling and analyzing security protocols with Tamarin: a comprehensive guide. In: Information Security and Cryptography. Springer (2024). To appear
4. Basin, D., Hofmeier, X., Sasse, R., Toro-Pozo, J.: Tamarin models of C8. https://github.com/tamarin-prover/tamarin-prover/tree/develop/examples/fm24-cardpayments
5. Basin, D., Sasse, R., Toro-Pozo, J.: Card brand mixup attack: bypassing the PIN in non-visa cards by using them for visa transactions. In: 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), pp. 179–194. USENIX Association (2021)