1. American Library Association. “Daniel Boone.” Accessed May 21, 2021. http://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/content/daniel-boone.
2. Birmingham, David. A Short History of Modern Angola. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
3. Botkin, Gleb. “An American in the Making.” The North American Review 229, no. 1 (1930a): 23–29.
4. ———. “This Is Anastasia.” The North American Review 229, no. 2 (1930b): 193–99.
5. “The Blacksmith and the Blackbirds.” Folk-Tales of Angola: Fifty Tales, with Ki-Mbundu Text Literal English Translation Introduction, and Notes, collected and edited by Heli Chatelain, 151–53. Boston: The American Folk-Lore Society, 1894.