1. Preston A (2018) How the ‘brainy’ book became a publishing phenomenon. In: The observer: new review. pp 18–23. (29th July, page 20)
2. Rose G (2018) Which world are we living in? Introduction to the set of essays. Foreign Affairs 97(4), 10–55
3. Crowley M et al (2018) Preventing chemical weapons: arms control and disarmament as the sciences converge. Royal Society of Chemistry, London. (See Chapter 21: Conclusions and Recommendations)
4. See for example the introductory sections of Friedman G (2010) The next 100 years: a forecast for the 21st century. Anchor Books, New York
5. Director-General (2018) Response by the Director-General to the Report of the Scientific Advisory Board on Developments in Science and Technology for the Fourth Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. RC-4/DG.2 OPCW, The Hague, 1 June (page 6)