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2. Adekunle TO (2018) Thermal comfort and heat stress in cross-laminated timber (CLT) school buildings during occupied and occupied periods in summer, In Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference, UK. April 12–15
3. Adekunle TO (2019) Occupants’ comfort and stress indices in a structural timber school building in the northeast US in different seasons. Building Research & Information.
4. Adekunle T, Nikolopoulou M (2014) Post-occupancy and indoor monitoring surveys to investigate the potential of summertime overheating in UK prefabricated timber houses, In Proceedings of 8th Windsor Conference, UK. April 10–13
5. Adekunle TO, Nikolopoulou M (2016) Thermal comfort, summertime temperatures and overheating in prefabricated timber housing. Build Environ 103:21–35