1. R. Hoeppli, Parasites and Parasitic Diseases in Early Medicine and Science (University of Malaya Press, Singapore 1959 ), p. 216, 217.
2. C.F. Craig and E.C. Faust, Clinical Parasitology ( Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia 1937 ), p. 291.
3. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, 2nd ed. (Elliot and Kay, London 1789), p. 276, 211.
4. V.L. Brera, A Treatise on Verminous Diseases (Paris 1804, translated by J.G. Coffin, Cummins and Hilliard, Boston 1816 ), p. 195.
5. C. F. Millspaugh, Medicinal Plants (John C. Yorston and Co., Philadelphia, reprinted as American Medicinal Plants, Dover Publications, New York 1974 ), p. 563.