1. Arendt, H. (2006). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil. New York, NY: Penguin. (Original work published in 1963)
2. Askarova, G. B. (2007). The religious and ethical education of students in a secular school. Russian Education and Society, 49(1), 34–46.
3. Badiou, A. (2001). Ethics: An essay on the understanding of evil (P. Hallward, Trans.). London, UK: Verso. (Original work published in 1993)
4. Barton, R. (2017). Tribalism and the use of evil in modern politics. In M. Effron & B. Johnson (Eds.), The function of evil across disciplinary contexts (pp. 187–200). Lanham, MD: Lexington.
5. Baudrillard, J. (1993). The transparency of evil (J. Benedict, Trans.). London, UK: Verso. (Original work published in 1990)