1. T. Jo, “The Implementation of Dynamic Document Organization using Text Categorization and Text Clustering”, PhD Dissertation of University of Ottawa, 2006.
2. T. Jo, “Graph based KNN for Optimizing Index of News Articles”, 53–62, Journal of Multimedia Information System, 3, 2016.
3. T. Jo, “Automatic Text Summarization using String Vector based K Nearest Neighbor”, 6005–6016, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 35, 2018.
4. T. Jo, “Keyword Extraction in News Articles using Table based K Nearest Neighbors”, The Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, 2018.
5. T. Jo, “Content based Segmentation of News Articles using Feature Similarity based K Nearest Neighbor”, 61–64, The Proceedings of 19st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, 2019.