1. Aubin J.P., A survey of viability theory, SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 1990, vol.28, pp.749–788, see also pp. 1294–1320.
2. T. Basar, P. Bernhard, Differential games, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 135, Springer 1989.
3. N.D. Botkin et al., Numerical solution of differential games, in Proc. IV. Intern. Symposium on Differ. Games and Applications, Helsinki, 1990.
4. R. Bulirsch, F. Montrone, H.J. Pesch, About Landing in the Presence of Windshear as a Minimax Optimal Control Problem, Parts I–II JOTA, vol 70, No. 1 pp. 1–23, No. 2 pp. 223–254.
5. Control in Dynamical Systems eds. A.I. Subbotin, V.N. Usakhov, Ekaterinenburg (Swerdlowsk), 1990, 126p. (in Russian)