1. Silk Road (2011–2013) was a digital marketplace mostly for trading illegal drugs on the dark web which used payments in bitcoin. For a good read on Silk Road’s rise and fall see: Bearman J (2015) Silk road: the untold story, Wired. https://www.wired.com/2015/05/silk-road-untold-story/. Accessed 8 Feb 2021
2. Kosoff M (2017) Iced tea company changes name to long blockchain, stock immediately skyrockets. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/12/iced-tea-company-changes-name-to-long-blockchain-stock-immediately-skyrockets. Accessed 8 Feb 2021
3. Tepper F (2018) SEC warns against public companies adding blockchain to their name. https://techcrunch.com/2018/01/25/sec-warns-against-public-companies-adding-blockchain-to-their-name/. Accessed 8 Feb 2021
4. Marr B (2018) A very brief history of blockchain technology everyone should read. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/02/16/a-very-brief-history-of-blockchain-technology-everyone-should-read/?sh=1cb5419d7bc4. Accessed 10 Feb 2021
5. Warburg B (2016), How the blockchain will radically transform the economy, TED Talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/bettina_warburg_how_the_blockchain_will_radically_transform_the_economy. Accessed 10 Feb 2021