1. E. Basor, A. Böttcher, I. Corwin, P. Diaconis, T. Ehrhardt, A. Kelley, B. Simon, C.A. Tracy, T. Tromba, Remembrances of Harold Widom. Not. Am. Math. Soc. 69(4), 586–598 (2022)
2. E. Basor, A. Böttcher, T. Ehrhardt, Harold Widom’s contributions to the spectral theory and asymptotics of Toeplitz operators and matrices, in Toeplitz Operators and Random Matrices (Springer International Publishing, Cham, this volume)
3. E. Basor, E.M. Landesman, Biography of H. Widom, in Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics (Santa Cruz, CA, 1992). Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol. 71 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994), pp. ix–xi
4. I.Z. Corwin, P.A. Deift, A.R. Its, Harold Widom’s work in random matrix theory. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 59(2), 155–173 (2022)
5. I. Kaplansky, To Harold Widom on his 60th birthday, in Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics (Santa Cruz, CA, 1992). Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol. 71 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994), pp. xii–xiv