1. ANFREL (Asian Network for Free Elections). (2004). 2004 Mission Report: Afghanistan Presidential Election. (ANFREL, 01 October 2004). https://anfrel.org/2004-mission-report-afghanistan-presidential-election/
2. Barfield, T. (2010). Afghanistan: A cultural and political history. Princeton University Press.
3. Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (ratified). (2004). https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/The_Constitution_of_the_Islamic_Republic_of_Afghanistan.pdf
4. EODS (European Union Democracy and Election Support Mission). (2004). Afghanistan Presidential Election, 9 October 2004. Final Repport. https://www.eods.eu/library/FR%20AFGHANISTAN%202004_en.pdf
5. Gall, C. (2014). The wrong enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001–2014. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing.