1. Berens, H. and P.L. Butzer: On the best approximation for singular integrals by Laplace-transform methods. In these Proceedings.
2. Butzer, P.L.: Sur le role de la transformation de Fourier dans quelques problèmes d’approximation, CR. Acad. Sciences Paris 249 (1959), 2467–2469.
3. Butzer, P. L.: Fourier transform methods in the theory of approximation. Arch. f. rat. Mech. Analysis 5 (1960), 390–415.
4. Butzer, P.L.: On Dirichlet’ s problem for the half-space and the behaviour of its solution on the Boundary. Journ. Math. Anal. Appl. 2 (1961), 86–96.
5. Butzer, P. L.: The dependence of the solution of the equation of heat conduction upon its initial temperature distribution; Asymptotic expansions. Archiv d. Math. 13(1962), 302–312.