1. Press release by the International College of Applied Kinesiology. https://www.icakusa.com/sites/default/files/goodheart-press-release.pdf
2. AK Founder Goodheart Mourned. (2008). https://web.archive.org/web/20080513064357/http:/www.worldchiropracticalliance.org/tcj/2008/apr/e.htm
3. Gin, R. H., & Green, B. N. (1997). George Goodheart, Jr., D.C., and a history of applied kinesiology. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 20(5), 331–337.
4. History of Kinesiology, NK Australia. Institute of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology. https://www.nkinstitute.com.au/history-of-kinesiology
5. Frost, R. (2013). Applied kinesiology: A training manual and reference book of basic principles and practices. North Atlantic Books.