1. Baetens, Jan and Frey, Hugo. The Graphic Novel: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
2. Baker, Steve. Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity, and Representation. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
3. Berger, John. “Why Look At Animals?” In The Animals Reader, edited by Linda Kalof and Amy Fitzgerald, 251–261. New York: Berg, 2007.
4. Brown, Lisa. “The Speaking Animal: Non-human Voices in Comics,” In Speaking for Animals: Animal Autobiographical Writing, edited by Margo DeMello, 73–78. Oxford: Routledge, 2013.
5. Canales, Juan Diaz and Guarnido, Juanjo. Blacksad. Milwaukie: Dark Horse, 2010.