1. Babbage, C. 1830. Reflections on the decline of science in England and on some of its causes. London: B. Fellowes.
2. Barrow, J. 1829. Letter to Phillip Parker King, 16 April. Papers of Phillip Parker King, 1793–1832, MLMSS 4530/2, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
3. Beaufort, F. 1842. Letter to Captain Blackwood, 22 March. Letter books, No. 10: 1841–1842, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Archives, Taunton.
4. ———. 1846. Letter to Captain Blackwood, 5 November. Letter books, No. 14: 1846–1847.
5. ———. 1849. Letter to William Denison, 3 July. Letter books, No. 16: 1849–1850.