1. Abe Shinzō. 2015a. Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Asian-African Summit 2015 (Speech). Delivered on 22 April in Jakarta. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Transcript. http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/a_o/rp/page3_001191.html (Japanese).
2. ———. 2015b. The Prime Minister Hosts an Iftar with the Islamic Diplomatic Corps in Japan, 30 June in Tokyo. Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet. Transcript. https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/97_abe/actions/201506/30islam.html (Japanese).
3. ———. 2015c. Policy Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Kazakhstan. Delivered on 27 October at Nazarbayev University in Astana. Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet. Transcript. https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/97_abe/statement/2015/1027speech.html (Japanese).
4. ———. 2015d. Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the Occasion of the ASEAN Business & Investment Summit. Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet. Transcript, 21 November. https://japan.kantei.go.jp/97_abe/statement/201511/asean.html
5. ———. 2016. Address by Prime Minister Shinzō Abe at the ‘Shared Values and Democracy in Asia’ Symposium (Speech). Delivered on 19 January in Tokyo. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Transcript. www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/s_sa/sw/page3_001543.html (Japanese).