1. Allen, B. D. (1966, March 4). Almost Full Inspection Within 17 Months. Municipal and Public Services Journal, 78, 691.
2. Building Businesses…Not Barriers. (1986). Cmnd.9794. London: Crown.
3. BIS. (2014). Trade Union Membership 2013 Statistical Bulletin. London: Crown.
4. Chief Inspector of Factories. (n.d., c. 1969). Untitled Memorandum, to Managing Directors and Managers of Firms Employing More Than 50. Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick (MRC), MSS.292D/146/18/1.
5. Department of Employment and Productivity. (1970). Annual Report of H.M. Chief Inspector of Factories, 1969. Cmnd. 4461. London: Crown.