1. Vlček J.: Fabric of constructive theory of hybrid systems (in Czech: Návrh struktury konstruktivní teorie hybridních systémů). Vlcek’s Seminars CTU, Faculty of Transportation Sci, CTU, Prague, May 2001
2. Novák, M., Votruba, Z.: Complex uncertain interfaces. In: Conference on ACMOS 2005, Prague, 13–15 March 2005
3. Votruba, Z.: Systems ideas for transportation, invited plenary lecture. In: WSEAS, Malta, 15 September 2005
4. Svítek, M., Votruba, Z., Zelinka, T., Jirovský, V., Novák, M.: Transport telematics - systemic view. 1st edn. 305 p. WSEAS Press, New York (2013). ISBN 978-1-61804-144-9
5. Votruba, Z: Reliability of information power. CTU in Prague, 32 p. (2005). ISBN 80-01-03186-1