1. R. Ahlswede, General theory of information transfer, Preprint 97–118, SFB 343 “Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik”, Universität Bielefeld, General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, Report on a Research Project at the ZIF (Center of interdisciplinary studies) in Bielefeld Oct. 1, 2002–August 31, 2003, edit R. Ahlswede with the assistance of L. Bäumer and N. Cai, also Special issue of Discrete Mathematics
2. R. Ahlswede, M. Burnashev, On minimax estimation in the presence of side information about remote data. Ann. Stat. 18(1), 141–171 (1990)
3. R. Ahlswede, I. Csiszár, Hypotheses testing with communication constraints. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 32(4), 533–542 (1986)
4. R. Ahlswede, G. Dueck, Identification via channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 35(1), 15–29 (1989)
5. R. Ahlswede, I. Wegener, Search Problems (Wiley, New York, 1987)