1. The proceedings of the conference were never completed. A short mention may be found inhttp://www.iuav.it/NEWS---SAL/comunicati/2007/memoria-3-racconto.doc_cvt-htm. Accessed 18 Oct 2022
2. From the exhibition panel
3. De Fusco, R.: Storia del design, pp. VII-X. Laterza, Rome-Bari (1985)
4. At the V national conference of Ais/Design – Associazioneitaliana storici del design, titled Design esposto: mostrare la storia/la storia delle mostre, the session titled Fra reale e virtuale presented certain cases comparable to this theme (Bulegato, F., Dalla Mura, M., Monti, G. (eds.): Design esposto: mostrare la storia/la storia delle mostre. Proceedings of the V national conference Ais/Design, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice (soon to be published)
5. Huppatz, D.: Introduction to methodology: virtual special issue for the journal of design history 2018. J. Des. Hist. 33(1), 5–40 (2020)