1. Kapranova, A.B., Verloka, I.I., Lebedev, A.E., Zaitzev, A.I.: The model of dispersion of particles during their flow from chipping the surface. In: Czasopismo techniczne, Vol. 113, no. 2. pp. 145–150. Mechanika. Krakov, Poland (2016)
2. Kapranova, A.B., Bakin M.N., Verloka I.I.: Simulation of the quality criterion of a mixture in a drum-belt apparatu. Chem. Pet. Eng. 54(5–6), 287–297 (2018).
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3. Kapranova, A.B., Verloka, I.I.: Stochastic description of the formation of flows of particulate components in apparatuses with brush elements. Theor. Found. Chem. Eng. 52(6), 1004–1018 (2018).
4. Verloka I., Kapranova A., Tarshis M., Cherpitsky S.: Stochastic modeling of bulk components batch mixing process in gravity apparatus. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Technol. (IJMET) 9(2), 438–444; Chapter ID: IJMET_09_02_045. Available online at
(2018). ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
5. Kapranova A.B., Verloka I.I., Yakovlev P.A., Bahaeva D.D.: Investigation of the quality of mixture at the first stage of work of the gravitational type apparatus. Russ. J. Gen. Chem. 62(4), 48–50 (2018)