The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)


Gortsos Christos V.


Springer International Publishing

Reference99 articles.

1. Akbik, Ad. (2022): SSM Accountability: Lessons Learned for the Monetary Dialogues, Banking Union Scrutiny, In-depth Analysis, European Parliament, Economic Governance Support Unit, July, available at:

2. Almhofer, M. (2022): Commentary on Articles 28–29 SSMR, in Binder, J.-H., Gortsos, Ch.V., Lackhoff, K. and Ch. Ohler (2022, editors): Brussels Commentary on the Banking Union, Verlag C.H. Beck, München – Hart Publishing, Oxford – Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, pp. 404–412

3. Almhofer, M. (2021): The Liability of Authorities in Supervisory and Resolution Activities, in Zilioli, Ch. and K.-Ph. Wojcik (2021, editors): Judicial Review in the European Banking Union, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA, Chapter 14, pp. 221–234

4. Amtenbrink, F. (2022): Commentary on Articles 19 and SSMR, in Binder, J.-H., Gortsos, Ch.V., Lackhoff, K. and Ch. Ohler (2022, editors): Brussels Commentary on the Banking Union, Verlag C.H. Beck, München – Hart Publishing, Oxford – Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, pp. 277–302

5. Amtenbrink, F. and M. Markakis (2022): The Legitimacy and Accountability of the ECB at the Age of Twenty, in Beukers, T., Fromage, D. and G. Monti (2022, editors): The New European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chapter 11







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