1. N.I. Akhiezer, The classical moment problem and some related questions in Analysis, Hafner Publishing Company, N. Y. (1965).
2. T. Ando, Truncated moment problems for operators, Acta Sci. Math. 31 (1970), 319–334.
3. R.E. Curto and L.A. Fialkow, Recursiveness, positivity, and truncated moment problems. Houston J. Math. 17, 603 (1991); see also: R.E. Curto and L.A. Fialkow, Solutions of the truncated moment problem. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 119 (1996).
4. H. Dym, On Hermitian Block Hankel Matrices, Matrix Polynomials, the Hamburger Moment Problem, Interpolation and Maximum Entropy, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 12 (1989), 757–812.
5. I.V. Kovalishina, New aspects of the classical problem of moments. Izv. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat. 47, 455 (1983) [Math. USSR Izv. 22, 419 (1984)].