1. Adeola, R (2020) The internally displaced person in international law. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham
2. Adeola, R and Orchard, P. (2020). The role of law and policy in fostering responsibility and accountability of governments towards internally displaced persons. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 39, 412–424
3. African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa 2009
4. African Union Decision on the 2019 theme of the year “The Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa, AU Assembly/AU/Dec.707 (XXXI) (1–2 July 2018)
5. Angola: Decree Number 1/01: Norms on the Resettlement of Displaced Populations (5 January 2001)