1. Federal law of July 27, «On the state civil service of the Russia Federation». The Reference-legal System «ConsultanPlus», № 79-FL (2018) . http://www.consultant.ru (date of treatment 08.02.20221)
2. Federal law of July 27, «On information, information technologies and protection of information». The Reference-legal System «ConsultanPlus», №. 149-FL. (2006) http://www.consultant.ru (date of treatment 11.02.2022)
3. Federal law of July 27, «On personal data». The Reference-legal System «ConsultanPlus», №. 149-FL (2006). http://www.consultant.ru (date of treatment 16.02.2022)
4. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 1, 2017 № 96 «On approval of the regulations on the personnel reserve of the federal state body». The reference-legal system «ConsultanPlus». http://www.consultant.ru (date of treatment 08.01.2022)
5. Deininger, K., Byerlee, D.: World Dev. 40, 701–714 (2012)